General Info



Critical acclaim and success is every young fashion designers dream.

But as we approach the new millennium the success of a designer not only relies on their individual design flare

But also correct approach in every aspect of business life – from management to manufacture and finance.


Designers Club was set up as a company to support an elite group of talented fashion designers to realize their creative and business potential. This is an invitation for a handful of young designers to join this executive club.


Designers Club is a creation of Kjell Klangenberg, himself a fashion designer with an international reputation for the last 15 years. He was one of the founders of Designers United of Sweden and continued as Chairman for 6 years. Given this background he was aware of the business and technical support a young designer needs in an increasingly competitive markets place and formed Designer Club 4 years ago.


Membership of Designers Club is limited to a few places every season and requires the applicant to be selected by our board.


As a member of Designers Club, you can chose from several levels of co-operation. Beginning with help only with production it can stretch to setting up a joint venture.


Designers Club is a flexible organization and has individual agreements with each designer.




Designers Club members has the following advantages:


* Experienced management, merchandisers and support staff


* Help with patterns and grading (if needed) by very

  experienced staff.


* Access to Manufacturers experienced in producing Designer

  Wear and accessories.


* Lower administration costs


* Prepackaging direct to designers customers.


* Advantageous prices (compared to European producers) from

  manufactures and fabric suppliers.


* Experienced management know-how in how to operate a design company, financing, finding fabric suppliers, finding agent’s etc.



In The following pages you can see which types or products we produce:








Local fabrics


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